Browse Items (1484 total) Depository/Wellcome Delivery 04/JDW_01_12_0019/JDW_01_12_0019_001.jpg
James D. Watson standing at CSHL podium for the Pathways to Cancer CSHL Lecture. Photograph by Marlena Emmons. Depository/Wellcome Delivery 04/JDW_01_12_0018/JDW_01_12_0018_001.jpg
James D. Watson standing at podium speaking to people seated around table. Photograph by Bill Dickerson Depository/Wellcome Delivery 04/JDW_01_12_0017/JDW_01_12_0017_001.jpg
Photographs of James D. Watson lecturing, socializing, in a laboratory, and signing books in Mumbai, India. Depository/Wellcome Delivery 04/JDW_01_12_0014/JDW_01_12_0014_001.jpg
Photographs of James D. Watson at Albert Einstein Memorial Lecture, Princeton University. Watson is standing at podium. Depository/Wellcome Delivery 04/JDW_01_12_0012/JDW_01_12_0012_001.jpg
Photographs of James D. Watson at the Human Frontier: DNA, Genes and Molecular Biology, University of Oklahoma. Photographs include Watson signing books, Watson standing at podium, and Watson socializing. Depository/Wellcome Delivery 04/JDW_01_12_0011/JDW_01_12_0011_001.jpg
James D. Watson at podium; and Watson with four unidentified men. Depository/Wellcome Delivery 04/JDW_01_12_0009/JDW_01_12_0009_001.jpg
Photographs from Lecture in Much of: James D. Watson seated in audience; the audience; James D. Watson at podium speaking. Depository/Wellcome Delivery 04/JDW_01_12_0008/JDW_01_12_0008_001.jpg
Photographs from Moscow Summer Meeting of: James D. Watson standing at podium speaking to the audience; the audience; and Watson with unidentified others. Depository/Wellcome Delivery 04/JDW_01_12_0007/JDW_01_12_0007_001.jpg
Photograph of James D. Watson leaning again chalkboard during lecture at St. Paul School, Concord, New Hampshire. Depository/Wellcome Delivery 04/JDW_01_12_0005/JDW_01_12_0005_001.jpg
Photograph of James D. Watson standing at podium with microphone at the Long Island Biological Association Lecture.
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