Browse Items (1278 total) Depository/Wellcome Delivery 07/SB_09_01_0018/SB_09_01_0018_001.jpg
Includes clippings related to James D. Watson, Francis Crick, Maurice Wilkins, Max Perutz, and John Kendrew Depository/Wellcome Delivery 06/SB_08_04_0001/SB_08_04_0001_001.jpg
Photographs of Sydney Brenner as a baby, a boy, a young man, scientist, in the hospital, portraits of Austria and other countries visited, and also with family and colleagues, incuding: Francis Crick, James D. Watson, Max Delbruck, May Brenner, among… Depository/Wellcome Delivery 06/SB_08_03_0055/SB_08_03_0055_001.jpg
Copies of photographs of Sydney Brenner; Sydney Brenner and a man; Sydney Brenenr, Francis Crick, and three other men; Sydney Brenner; and Sydney Brenner and three other men. Also includes a handwritten letter from Seymour Benzer to Sydney Brenner. Depository/Wellcome Delivery 06/SB_08_03_0046/SB_08_03_0046_001.jpg
Sydney Brenner, Francis Crick, and Seymour Benzer standing outside of California Tech for Seymour Benzer's retirement. Depository/Wellcome Delivery 06/SB_08_03_0023/SB_08_03_0023_001.jpg
Sydney Brenner, Francis Crick, and Leslie Barnett at the blackboard in Medical Research Council. Copyright of the Medical Research Council. Depository/Wellcome Delivery 06/SB_08_03_0009/SB_08_03_0009_001.jpg
Sydney Brenner lecturing and pointing at a blueprint; Sydney Brennrr lecturing; Classroom with Sydney Brenner seated in a desk talking to David Baltimore, also includes Francis Crick and others.
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