The Miscellaneous series consists of various photographs that do not fit in any of the other series in the Photographs record group. These includes scientific photographs, photos of Watson playing tennis, and photographs of Watson's RNA tie.
The Personal Papers of the James D. Watson Collection is composed of a wide variety of material, including correspondence, manuscripts, laboratory notebooks, teaching files, clippings, reprints and offprints, speeches and lecture notes, memorabilia,…
The correspondence series includes handwritten and typed letters, carbon copies, invitations, postcards and notes dating from 1946 to 2011.The bulk of the material covers Watson
The Manuscripts series is made up of handwritten and typed manuscripts, typescripts, reprints, articles, correspondence, contracts, book reviews, and illustrations relating to the production of monographs and articles for which James Watson is the…
The Papers, Articles, and Other Works subseries consists of manuscripts, typescripts, and other working copies of scientific papers and articles in the popular press authored by Watson.
The Molecular Biology of the Gene, 1st Edition subseries consists of manuscripts, typescripts, and galleys of the first edition of Watson's famous textbook. The subseries also includes correspondence with publishers.
The Molecular Biology of the Gene, 2nd Edition subseries consists of manuscripts, typescripts, and galleys of the second edition of Watson's famous textbook. The subseries also includes correspondence with publishers.
The Molecular Biology of the Gene, 3rd Edition subseries consists of manuscripts, typescripts, and galleys of the third edition of Watson's famous textbook. The subseries also includes correspondence with publishers.
The Molecular Biology of the Gene, 4th Edition subseries consists of manuscripts, typescripts, and galleys of the fourth edition of Watson's famous textbook. The subseries also includes correspondence with publishers.