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  • Tags: Reprints (Publications) Depository/Wellcome Delivery 02/JDW_02_02_0914/JDW_02_02_0914_116.jpg
"Re-evaluation of the linkage relationship between chromosome 11p loci and the gene for bipolar affective disorder in the Old Order Amish" by John R. Kelsoe, Edward I. Ginns, Janice A. Egeland, et. al. Depository/Wellcome Delivery 01/JDW_02_02_0921/JDW_02_02_0921_007.jpg
"Enzymatic Amplification of Beta-Globin Genomic Sequences and Restriction Site Analysis for Diagnosis of Sickle Cell Anemia" by Saiki, Scharf, Faloona, et. al. Depository/Wellcome Delivery 01/JDW_02_02_0921/JDW_02_02_0921_016.jpg
"Amplification and analysis of DNA sequences in single human sperm and diploid cells" by Li, Gyllensten, Cui, et. al. Depository/Wellcome Delivery 01/JDW_02_02_0921/JDW_02_02_0921_020.jpg
"Single-sperm typing: Determination of genetic distance between the G _-globin and parathyroid hormone loci by using the polymerase chain reaction and allele-specific oligomers" by Cui, Li, Goradia, et. al.
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