The Special Events series is an extensive collection of photographs documenting a wide array of events attended by Watson. Events include celebrations surrounding the 50th anniversary of the discovery of the double helix structure, Watson's 60th…
The CSHL Meetings series includes photographs from various CSHL meetings held between 1954 and 2007. The series includes meetings held at CSHL's Banbury Conference Center.
The Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory series consists of photographs taken at, or relating to, Watson's time at CSHL. The photographs document special events such as building dedications and fundraising concerts; scientists, staff, and board members;…
The Double Helix series consists of photographs and figures used in Watson's 1968 memoir The Double Helix. It includes the famous X-ray photograph of DNA by Franklin as well as A. Barrington Brown's photographs of Watson and Crick taken shortly…
The Nobel Prize series documents the 1962 Nobel Prize ceremony where Watson, Crick, and Wilkins received their awards for the discovery of the double helix structure of DNA. It also includes two photographs from the 1991 Nobel Jubilee.