Browse Items (103 total) Depository/Wellcome Delivery 01/JDW_02_02_1453/JDW_02_02_1453_013.jpg
Enclosure from Mark Ptashne to James D. Watson. 2 letters regarding the David Baltimore controversy published in the New York Times by John R. Menninger and Marc W. Kirschner. Depository/Wellcome Delivery 01/JDW_02_02_1453/JDW_02_02_1453_014.jpg
Enclosure from Mark Ptashne to James D. Watson. Article regarding the David Baltimore controversy. Depository/Wellcome Delivery 01/JDW_02_02_1453/JDW_02_02_1453_016.jpg
Enclosure from Mark Ptashne to James D. Watson. Editorial regarding the David Baltimore controversy. Depository/Wellcome Delivery 01/JDW_02_02_1453/JDW_02_02_1453_017.jpg
Enclosure from Mark Ptashne to James D. Watson. Editorial regarding the David Baltimore controversy. Depository/Wellcome Delivery 01/JDW_02_02_1521/JDW_02_02_1521_001.jpg
Regarding the Atlantic Monthly article "Moving Toward the Clonal Man" by Watson.
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