Browse Items (296 total) Depository/Wellcome Delivery 01/JDW_02_02_1511/JDW_02_02_1511_020.jpg
Invoice for reprints of "Genetic Locusfor Ribonuclease I in Escherichia coli" by A. M. Reiner Depository/Wellcome Delivery 01/JDW_02_02_1511/JDW_02_02_1511_019.jpg
Invoice for reprints of "Characterization of Polynucleotide Phosphorylase Mutants of Escherichia coli" by A. M. Reiner Depository/Wellcome Delivery 01/JDW_02_02_1511/JDW_02_02_1511_018.jpg
Invoice for reprints of "Isolation and Mapping of Polynucleotide Phosphorylase Mutants of Escherichia coli" by A. M. Reiner Depository/Wellcome Delivery 01/JDW_02_02_1236/JDW_02_02_1236_010.jpg
Suppressible Regulator Constitutive Mutants of the Lactose System in Escherichia coli
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