Browse Items (966 total) Depository/Wellcome Delivery 04/JDW_01_14_0022/JDW_01_14_0022_001.jpg
Photographs of the Double Helix Model in Grace Auditorium at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Photographs by Ed Campodonico. Depository/Wellcome Delivery 04/JDW_01_07_0038/JDW_01_07_0038_001.jpg
Portrait of Watson with Double Helix model in his office at CSHL. Depository/Wellcome Delivery 04/JDW_01_07_0010/JDW_01_07_0010_001.jpg
Photographic print copy of a collage created by Salvador Dali which features Watson, Crick, and the double helix Depository/Wellcome Delivery 04/JDW_01_06_0014/JDW_01_06_0014_001.jpg
Photographic prints of Watson and Crick at the Cavendish laboratory posing with the double helix model shortly after their discovery was announced. All photographs by A.C. Barrington Brown of Cambridge. Depository/Wellcome Delivery 04/JDW_01_06_0008/JDW_01_06_0008_001.jpg
Various photographic prints of DNA X-ray images (A and B-form), including the famous "Photograph 51" (B-form), which was taken by Raymond Gosling while working under Rosalind Franklin. The A-form photograph includes handwritten notation by Watson on…
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