Browse Items (2797 total) Depository/Wellcome Delivery 04/JDW_01_09_0002/JDW_01_09_0002_001.jpg
Includes Watson, T.F. Anderson, Sydney Brenner, Francois Jacob, Frank Stahl, and Walter Gilbert. Depository/Wellcome Delivery 04/JDW_01_09_0001/JDW_01_09_0001_001.jpg
Includes Watson, Salvador Luria, Robert Sinsheimer, William Stanley, Gordon Lark, Lloyd Kozloff, Aaron Novick, Milislav Demerec, McFarlane Burnet, the Van Wettsteins, Ruth Sager, Manny Delbruck, Max Delbruck, and Leo Szilard. Some of the photographs…

Includes Watson, Bruce Stillman, Jan Witkowski and other CSHL employees.

Sydney Brenner at Ballybung with Watson, CSHL scientist Pavel Osten, and his wife Julia Kuhn.

Watson with Rachel von Rauschloeb (artist), Kiryn Haslinger (former editorial assistant), and Charles Prizzi (CSHL Vice President of Development) at Ballybung. Photocopy. Includes identification by Watson on the verso.

Watson at Ballybung with the father of Carl Wermee (Watson's tennis pro at the Piping Rock Club). Includes identification by Watson on the verso.

Photocopies of images of the Miller Residence and the Vander Poel House at Uplands Farm, as well as the Livingston Houses at the Agricultural Field Station. Shot by Miriam Chua.

Photocopies of images of Watson skeet shooting with CSHL Trustee Joseph Donahue.
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