Browse Items (2797 total) Depository/Wellcome Delivery 04/JDW_01_10_0001/JDW_01_10_0001_001.jpg
Group photographs of attendees of the 1954 Phage Meeting. Includes Alfred Hershey, Milislav Demerec, Francis Crick, Sydney Brenner, and many others.

Photographic prints of Watson, Eric Kandel, Francis Collins, and Charles Prizzi (CSHL Vice President of Development) posing in a Mercedes at Ballybung. Signed by Watson, Kandel, and Collins. Photographs by Jan Witkowski. Depository/Wellcome Delivery 04/JDW_01_09_0025/JDW_01_09_0025_001.jpg
Watson and Mario Capecchi at the 1997 CSH Symposium. Photograph by Jan Witkowski. Depository/Wellcome Delivery 04/JDW_01_09_0023/JDW_01_09_0023_001.jpg
Includes Watson, Lita Annenberg Hazen, Gustav Nossal, and Phillip Sharp. 1 photograph by Margot Bennett. Depository/Wellcome Delivery 04/JDW_01_09_0020/JDW_01_09_0020_001.jpg
Includes Watson, David Eisenberg, Daniel Koshland, James Darnell, Thomas Jukes, and Francois Michel. Includes a letter and a set of snapshots sent to Watson by Tadashi Takahashi on behalf of Haruo Ozeki and Syoza Osawa. Depository/Wellcome Delivery 04/JDW_01_09_0019/JDW_01_09_0019_001.jpg
Includes Watson, George Vandewonde, Oliver Smithees, and Mario Capecchi.
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