Browse Items (71 total) Depository/Wellcome Delivery 04/JDW_01_18_0006/JDW_01_18_0006_001.jpg
Includes photocopy of Engineering and Science publication with this image on the cover. Property of the California Institute of Technology Archives. Photograph by Hank Hoag. Image used in Watson's memoir Genes, Girls, and Gamow. Depository/Wellcome Delivery 01/JDW_02_02_0145/JDW_02_02_0145_055.jpg
Regarding dedication of the George W. Beadle Center for Genetics and Biomaterials Rsearch at the University of Nebraska Lincoln Depository/Wellcome Delivery 01/JDW_02_02_0145/JDW_02_02_0145_053.jpg
Regarding dedication of the George W. Beadle Center for Genetics and Biomaterials Rsearch at the University of Nebraska Lincoln
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